Thursday, February 7, 2013

Save energy to save money.

Saving energy means decreasing our consumption of energy each day. This action has a lot benefit for us. Saving energy such as reducing the consumption of gas, oil, electricity and coal can save our money as well and also we save the earth for being polluted by those energy like gas, oil and coal which produce a lot of carbon mono- and dioxide. Therefore using less non renewable energy like gas, oil and coal can make them last longer for better use in the future.
So what is to be done to save energy?

We must not take great action to save energy such as stop using electric during the day or stop using coal, gas and oil at all, but small action like turn off unused lamp also save the energy. Here some small idea wich can save massive energy every day and also save our money in the wallet :
·         Set thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs and consumption of electricity.
·         Use compact fluorecent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
·         Use LED lamp or energy saving lamp which consume less energy with optimal bright.
·         Unplug appliances when you're not using them will save energy use.
·         Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible will save up to 80% energy use for heating the water in machine-wash.
·         Use public transportation or walk or ride bicycle will reduce pollution which produce by car, motor cycle and another personal motor transportation.
·         Keep close window and door while use room warmer or cooler.
·         Reuse plastic bag for shopping and storage.
·         Use recharge battery than disposable battery will save money.
·         Use microwave instead of stove to reheat food is better.

With doing this small idea every day, we save our money from cost every month and big amount of energy consumption for the future.

Keep doing GREEN and HAPPY :D

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